May 2022 Newsletter
This month’s cover photo of the 50-ton side-tank steam
locomotive comes from the Oklahoma Railway Museum. Lee and I visited the facility last week
where various locomotives, numerous pieces of rolling stock, and an HO scale
model railroad are displayed. If you're in the area, a visit to the museum is highly recommended.
Click for more information and photos.
CCMRRC Members Passing
Tom Meyers and Doug Whetstone have recently joined the Almighty’s very special roundhouse crew. Links to their life stories, including model railroading interests, are listed below.
Thomas Meyers -!/Obituary
Doug Whetstone -
Club News
CCMRRC Spring BBQ – Friday, May 20, 2022
Location: Tim and Dana Fitch (2734 Rock Land Drive, Washington)
Trains will be running at Tim’s house as well as Dick and Laurie Saunders’ house (2649 E Upper Canyon Drive, Washington) between 10:00 and 10:55.
11:00am - Club Meeting and 3D presentation by Tim Fitch and Keith Johnson
12:30pm - Lunch (smoked meats and related fixings). ($15/attendee for non-members.)
Bottled water will be provided or feel free to bring your own beverage.
Please respond to Tim Fitch at or 801-599-2112 no later than May 13th. After the attendee list firms up, volunteers may be requested to bring desserts.
Lionel Group’s “Timber Cove” Railroad – Bob Mallory submitted photos of the latest progress. Click HERE and scroll down to the May 2022 Update.
Community Service Project Railroads – Larry Schneider updates us on two G scale projects.
St. George Regional Hospital Children’s Playroom
“I exchanged email with Mike Robertson and he has advised the room has been vacated and is in the process of being changed back to the Children's Playroom. There are some cables that will need to be removed but once that’s complete we can put the train back in place and check it out. At no cost to the club, the engine has been modified by Tim Fitch and sound has been added. We are looking forward to having this back in place and also looking at a possible ‘Grand Opening’ once things are again ready and maybe the driving of the Golden Spike”
Children's Museum
“I met last week with the people at the museum and they would like the RR up and operational by the end of May as they have a celebration coming around that time. From the G Group’s perspective that is doable, as we have all the track we need and all the equipment. If they have the shelf completed and the wiring installed, we can get the train up and running in one day. We will be meeting this month to assemble the track and test the equipment to assure all is ready.”
SunRiver Spring Layout Tour – Larry Schneider describes the event held earlier in April. “The day was sunny and somewhat windy and as a result Keith Johnson’s and Ron Smith’s G scale railroads, that are more open, suffered damage and also some blow overs. Lionel Group Dan Mangiaracina, Bob Mallory, and Byron Rasmussen fared much better. Larry Schneider, Dick & Evelyn Wilson, and Werner Balsterholt did well as their G scale RR's are more enclosed and of course Bryan Enarson had a good time in the mancave with his ALL Scale layouts. Turnout was OK for a Holiday weekend as we averaged between 35-45 for the 3-hour window we were operating.”
CCMRRC Luncheons at Dede’s Restaurant are held the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. This month, mark your calendars for May 6th. The lunch slated for May 20 is canceled in favor of the Spring BBQ. Luncheons resume on June 3rd and June 17th. If you wish to attend, be certain to contact Bryan Enarson ( no later than May 4th, June 1st, and June 15th.
Member Layouts
Keith Johnson – As Larry indicated above, Keith’s layout again suffered wind damage. “After the last wind storm destroyed most of my upper-level roadbed, I reconstructed the it using a different technique. I felt confident this design would hold up under the winds. How wrong I was. Another windstorm knocked over a good portion of new upper-level. You can see how Mother Nature doesn't really care about model railroads if they are outside. So, I'm trying one more technique to outdo Mother Nature. The last photo shows my newest solution. So far, so good.” Click HERE and scroll down to the May 2022 Update for photos.
Richard Schaht has removed the previous American Flyer layout from the table, enlarged the table from about 12x5 to 14x7 and is now in the process of rebuilding. He expects to be able to operate in November for the tour. Click HERE for photos of his progress.
Bryan Enarson tells us of his remodeling efforts. “I’m redoing my G scale layout in the mancave. I will be putting my G scale in our backyard in the next few months. I’m replacing the G scale in the mancave with an American Flyer layout on the 7x17 table. Enarson American Flyer, circa 1955, current state. 283 engine running great after repairs. Engine 302 went to the repair shop April 26. Currently the layout features one figure eight with trestles and one 40 foot main line. Click HERE and scroll down to the May 2022 Update for photos detailing the new American Flyer layout.
Ron Smith’s G scale railroad also saw some recent additions. “I've added track to one of my outdoor, G-scale layouts. It features a coal mine, pictured here. That's the fun of model railroading. There's always something you can do to create more realism and more enjoyment.” Click HERE and scroll down to the May 2022 Update for two photos.
Rich Wilson has begun a new HO project railroad. Beginning with small circular track plan, Rich added details making the layout come to life. Click HERE and scroll down to the May 2022 Update. Also, contact Rich ( if you can assist him in creating a tunnel on this project.
Prototype News
St. George woman in jail for selling thousands of feet of copper line allegedly stolen from railroad -
Railfan News
Union Pacific Steam Club Update - West Coast Steam Tour POSTPONED
Union Pacific Donates Steam Locomotives, Passenger Cars for Restoration
In Nevada, ‘most authentic’ railway site has steam, smoke — and a cat
Celebrate the 150th anniversary of Nevada’s famed V&T Railroad July 1-4, 2022