Club Organization and Officers

When formed in 2001, the Club's membership was comprised mostly of HO scale modelers. Over the years however, membership grew to include G scale, O scale, Proto:48, Lionel, S scale (American Flyer) and N scale enthusiasts.  Our affiliation with the National Model Railroad Association began in 2008 with the formation of the Southern Utah Division - Rocky Mountain Region.

Nearly all members maintain their own layouts, each one reflecting interest ranging from prototypical operations to “run-by" railfans.  Construction on some layouts is complete while other members continue building, expanding, or modifying their railroads.  In recognition of National Model Railroad month, club members welcome visitors to their layouts during our annual tour held each November.

To represent the club's varied interests in model railroading, a separate group for each scale was established.  Each group schedules activities for its members on a regular basis.

2024 Club Officers:
President: Al Thorne
Vice President, G scale Group & Club Treasurer: Larry Schneider
Vice President, Lionel Group: Bob Mallory
Vice President, O scale Group: Jim Harper
Vice President, HO scale Group: M. David Merrill
Vice President, N scale Group: Rich Wilson
Vice President of Transportation: Dave Merrill
Event Coordinator: Bryan Enarson
Layout Tour Coordinators: Larry Schneider, Terry Schramm, Al Thorne
Web and Facebook: Lloyd Thomson

Club Annual Dues: $25.00

Beginning at 11:30am, luncheons are held on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at Bloomington Country Club (3174 S Bloomington Drive East, St. George.)  If you'd like to attend, be certain to contact Bryan Enarson ( no later than the Wednesday before luncheon date.

Various activities are scheduled throughout the year including the Spring BBQ, annual open house of member layouts, and Holiday Party.
Annual Layout Open House - November 8-11, 2024
Various locations in Washington County.  Specifics announced October 1, 2024, and posted here.

Christmas Party - December 2024
Details to be announced November 2024.

Membership and other inquiries:  Color Country Webmaster