Announcing Op Sessions on ATSG Railroad

How does a railroad operate?
Come and participate
For a day in the life of the ATSG Railroad.

When?  Every Wednesday evening from 6:00 to 9:00 pm.

First Session:  February 12, 2025

Where?   Professor Dave Merrill’s home - 563 West 2040 South Circle, St. George.

Who?  You!  The railroad will accommodate three engineers, all running trains simultaneously.  Phone or text Dave at 435-760-0419 to reserve your spot as an engineer or observer, first come, first serve each week. 

The railroad can also accommodate up to three observers in addition to the engineers if you want to come and watch the operation rather than participate. 

Don't worry if you're new to this. No prior experience is necessary, as you'll receive on-the-job training.

You do not have to be a member of the Color Country Model Railroad Club to participate.

Agenda?  The op session will involve a day on the ATSGRR.  The day is divided into two shifts: morning and afternoon.  Since this is a miniature railroad, our time is also reduced, so each shift is 90 minutes long.  We can rotate jobs for the afternoon shift, so if you are operator #1 in the morning, you may want to be operator #3 in the afternoon, etc. 

Morning Shift (6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, about 90 minutes)

Operator #1 
·       Eastbound train from Provo (staging) to Grand Jct. (staging) with a stop at   Ascape to deliver cars for the ATSG and pick up cars for Grand Jct.
·       Morning Passenger train from Ascape to Park City and return.
·       Timber train haul logs from Craig’s Camp to Tennsion Sawmill (if there is time).

Operator # 2
·      Tennsion Daily from Ascape to Tennsion Loop, deliver empties and return loads to Ascape.
·      Tennsion Local from Tennsion Loop delivers empties to and picks up loads from Tennsion Industries.

Operator #3
·      Coal Train Provo (staging) to Clear Creek Mines; delivers empties and return loads.

Afternoon Shift (7:30 pm – 9:00 pm, about 90 minutes)

Operator #1
·       Westbound train from Grand Jct. (staging) to Provo (staging) with a stop at Ascape to deliver cars for the ATSG and pick up cars for Provo.
·       Afternoon Passenger Train from Ascape to Park City and return.
·       Timber train returns empties to Craig’s Camp (if there is time).

Operator #2
·       ATSG Local from Ascape to industries and return.  Delivers loads and empties and picks up loads and empties.

Operator #3
·       Silver King Mine Train from Provo (staging) to Park City and back.  It delivers empties and picks up loads.