2021 Business Meeting Minutes
The 2021 Color Country Model Railroad Club business meeting was called to order at the Thunder Junction All Abilities Park on May 27 at 10:00am by president Al Thone. In attendance were club officers Jim Harper (VP O scale Group), Bob Mallory (VP Lionel Group), M. David Merrill (VP HO scale Group & NMRA Southern Utah Division Superintendent), and Rich Wilson (VP N scale Group). Larry Schneider (VP G scale Group and CCMRRC Treasurer was out of town. Also attending were club members Jim Clark, John Drzewiecki, Dick and Mary Beth Gibbons, Keith Johnson, Tom Lantry, Victor Lorch, Dan Mangiaracina, Jim and Becky Mullin, Bryan Osborn, Byron Rasmussen, Terry Schramm, Ken Seefeld, and Lloyd Thomson (webmaster).
Financial Reporting:
In Larry Schneider’s absence, Al Thorne relayed the Treasurer’s report. Expenses for 2020 included materials for the Lionel Project layout and completion of the St. George Regional Hospital Children’s Playroom layout. Due to COVID-19, no club funds were expended for the Spring BBQ, Jubilee of Trees project railroad, Christmas Party or any other social functions. Income came from 2021 dues and t-shirt sales. Paid membership is currently 33, 5 fewer than 2020. Club members who haven’t contacted Larry Schneider with their dues payment are encouraged to do so soon.
Club Organization: Based on voice vote of those members present, all club officers will remain in their respective positions for 2021. Club officers and coordinators are listed below.
- President: Al Thorne
- Vice President, G scale Group & Club Treasurer: Larry Schneider
- Vice President, Lionel Group: Bob Mallory
- Vice President, O scale Group: Jim Harper
- Vice President, HO scale Group: M. David Merrill
- Vice President, N scale Group: Rich Wilson
- Coordinators, Layout Tour: Terry Schramm, Al Thorne, Larry Schneider, Lloyd Thomson
- Coordinator, Summer Event: Tim Fitch
- Coordinator, Christmas Party: Thomas Eckhardt
- Web Master and Facebook Administrator: Lloyd Thomson
Calendar Events: For the remainder of 2021, the following events and their respective dates were established.
- Summer BBQ: Saturday, September 11, 2021. Location TBD.
- Annual Layout Tour: November 12-15, 2021
- Jubilee of Trees: St. George Regional Hospital has yet to establish dates for this event.
- Christmas Party: Sky Mountain Clubhouse; Date TBD
General Business:
- A motion was made to establish a new position of Event Coordinator. This person will research and report to club officers those model railroad events where the club should participate. Terry Schramm ‘quite willingly’ accepted this new responsibility.
- M. David Merrill will coordinate volunteer efforts to modify two HO layouts returned to the club to make them ready for future Jubilee of Trees auctions.
- Mary Beth Gibbons indicated she’d coordinate the resumption of Railette luncheons. Ladies are encouraged to contact her (gibbons@infowest.com) to discuss potential activities, luncheons, and timetables.
- Beginning July 1, 2021, only members whose dues are current will receive CCMRRC correspondence and Newsletters. Contact Larry Schneider (peggy.larry.schneider@gmail.com) to ensure yours are paid.
- Due to COVID, the Lionel Veteran’s Train layout at the VA Center in Ivins has not been run or maintenance performed. As soon as the VA Center reopens, Terry Schramm will perform any needed maintenance to make certain trains again run well. To ensure recovering children are kept safe at the hospital, everyone stands in the hallway and views the G scale railroad’s operation through the playroom windows. According to hospital personnel, the layout has operated flawlessly since it was completed in February 2020.
With no other business to complete, Al Thorne adjourned the meeting at approximately 11:10am.