Spring Business Meeting Minutes

Held in conjunction with the annual BBQ, the Spring Business Meeting was called to order by Club President Dave Merrill at 10:00am, April 13, 2019.  In attendance were Dick and Mary Beth Gibbons, Thomas Eckhardt, Larry and Peggy Schneider, Bob Mallory, Dick and Evelyn Wilson, Ken Seefeld, Al Thorne, Joe Zukowski, Rich Hunn (guest), Dave and Linda Merrill, Bruce and Yolie Klawitter, Jack and Karlan Douglas, Dan Mangiarcina, Jim and Diane Clark, Terry Schramm, Rick Guercio, Dean and Roberta Haymore, Jim Mmullin, Tim and Dana Fitch, M. David Merrill.  

A very BIG thank you to Jim and Beverly Harper for hosting the event in their home !!

Financial Reporting:
Treasurer Larry Schneider gave a full accounting of the club’s funds and the current count of paid club members.

2019 Club Organization:
Previously tabled from our winter business meeting, the Club voted to retain all current officers for 2019.

National Model Railroad Association:

The Southern Utah Division Superintendent Professor David Merrill spoke about the Organization and the benefits of NMRA membership. 

Member Layout Tour:  November 15 through 18, 2019
The Club’s Fall Tour dates were established.  To boost our visitation over last year, a concerted effort will be requested from all club members to better advertise our tour to the residents of Washington County.  See January minutes for thought-starters discussed at that meeting.

Jubilee of Trees:
There is currently no club layout destined for use at the Jubilee for 2019.

Christmas Party: December 10, 2019

Evelyn Wilson discussed this year’s Christmas Party.  The event will be held at The Dixie Elks Lodge with dinner including ham, scalloped potatoes, vegetable, salad, and dessert. The club treasury may subsidize a portion of the cost of $17 per person. Motion was carried, voted on and approved.

Union Pacific “Big Boy” 4014:
To commemorate the Transcontinental Railroad completion, Dave Merrill talked about Union Pacific’s 4014 and 844 traveling from Cheyenne to Ogden.  The locomotives and streamlined passenger cars are on display at Ogden’s Union Station from May 9 through May 11.  The consist will return to Cheyenne on May 12, 2019.

Lionel Group:
Speaking for the 3-rail group, Bob Mallory presented their funding request for construction of an O scale layout, 4' x 8' for 2019.  The railroad would be used for display at the County Fair, rehab centers, Peach Days, Tuacahn and other various functions.  $650 was requested and approved.  (Click HERE to read the Lionel group’s proposal.)

Southern Utah Museum of Art:
President Dave Merrill made a presentation regarding the construction of a HO scale layout for Southern Utah Museum of Art.  Students from Southern Utah University will assist in scenery construction.  Funding of $200 was requested, voted on, and approved.  (This layout may be available in November for the Jubilee of trees, but not guaranteed.)

A discussion regarding the clubhouse location, usage, and viability was held.  With no final decision made, the subject was tabled.

Business meeting was adjourned at 11:15am.